The nature of e-commerce
A - the definition of e-commerce:
1 -
doctrinal definitions of electronic commerce:
Some termed e-commerce
"all business processes that
rely on electronic processing and data transfer."
Some known as: "reciprocity business processes that
are using
electronic means."
Others known as: "the process of buying and selling
and services using electronic means of
communication in general and the Internet
2 - legislative definitions of electronic commerce:
With the increasing growth of electronic commerce in
the world and adopt
a new style of patterns of trade
relations, there is a need to create a legal
framework in ne with the global nature of e-commerce.
Was adopted by
the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law UNCITRAL at its
ninth the 1996 model law on electronic commerce.
The first
article identified the scope of its application,
which stipulates that: "This
law applies to any type of
information in the form of a data message is used in
the context of commercial activities."
The screening of the texts
we do not find a specific
definition of e-commerce, but the second article of
Model Law known as the most important e-commerce
terms (data message - the
exchange of data - data
message Builder - consignee - the mediator -
The Lebanese legislator in the Electronic Transactions
Act has expanded the definition of terms as listed in
Article II him one and
fifty term relates to electronic
transactions, then known as paragraph 42 of
commerce as: "business transactions and purchases
and sales and financial
operations carried out by
correspondence and electronic contracts generally
across a network
the Internet. "
The Tunisian Law No. 83
dated 09/08/2000 private
exchanges and e-commerce e-commerce has been
known in
the second article of it as: "business
processes that are made through
electronic exchanges."
- The Electronic Transactions Act Jordanian No.
85 of
2001 did not focus on e-commerce or known, but
came second article of it
to know electronic
transactions when stated as: "transactions carried out
electronic means", the same material has been
defined a lot of terms relating to
And also released the Emirate of Dubai Law No.
2 of
2002 on e-commerce transactions and paraphrasing
just like any other
legislation of the UNCITRAL
Model Law, was the second article of it for the most
important terms of electronic transactions.
And in general has not yet
crystallized the definition of
collector and blocker for e-commerce.
A - The importance of e-commerce:
The objective of the promotion
and dissemination of e-
commerce locally and internationally, is an investment
sophistication of the contacts in the trade and service
on long-term replacement
and modern technology in
commercial transactions where traditional methods.
The importance of e-commerce and revitalization in
the following
1 - achieve greater speed in the completion of
transactions and transactions.
2 - Easy to conduct trade and remove
barriers to
national and international trade
And the
globalization of the economy.
3 - more effective marketing and greater
4 - Reduce expenses and save effort and no need to
ove or
convergence of leading parties
To cut prices.
5 - speed
and ease of deployment and distribution of
business information.
- the ability to analyze the market and respond to the
changing requirements of
consumers and the exchange
of experiences.
2 - Provide services to
customers around the clock.
3 - create many opportunities for
4 - rounded geographical distances, Vazubaún
in the world can shop from any
Commercial store.
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